
Showgirl is born on July 29, 2012 under the kennel name of de la Hérelle of Jan-Peter van Zweeden.
Showgirl's dad is our Formula Uspeha Majestywinner and her mother is Oublie de la Hérelle.
This sweet black & tan miniature girl moved in with us on October 2, 2012.
She listens to the name Lola. Lola has 1 sister and 2 brothers.

This little girl acts a lot like her daddy Majestywinner. She is very outgoing, and a happy dog in general. Lola loves it to come to you for cuddles, but also enjoys laying in a giant pile of her friend. Often she is looking to play with her dog and cat friends and run through the house, mainly Jeroen and Olijfje.
Her biggest friend was our shar-pei Pi, Lola really loves him.

If you want to see what Lola looks like, please click here for pictures. If you are interested in her pedigree, please click here.

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