Jessy is a 4.5 years old girl. A real doll who is fond of cuddling. Even when you try to keep your lap free of dogs, she manages to sit on it, without you noticing.
Jessy is a daughter of Mocha Latte of the Sunday Morn and thus she carries
the gene for chocolate color.
Knowing this, we have looked at several pedigrees, and decided
Formula Uspeha Majestywinner gets to be dad.
Majestywinner is a nice guy. He is adorable when hugging and really kind,
but when it comes down to it, when he thinks he or someone he cares for is in danger,
he gets all though and goes in the defense. 
So in short, both the mommy-to-be and the daddy-to-be have great, sweet personalities. 
Majestywinner has mated with Jessy on August 13, and that means,
when we look on the calendar, we can expect the babies to be born October 15, 2010.
We are sure you understand we are very proud to tell you we are in expectation of Jessy's and Majestywinner's puppies!

           By means of this page I want to keep you up-to-date with Diddle's pregnancy.

                         1st week                                        2nd week                                          3rd week               

                        4th week                                        5th week                                           6th week
                        7th week                                         8th week                                          9th week

Jessy's pregnancy | puppies Jessy x Majestywinner
Back to Jessy


If you would like to see our past litters you can take a look at  "Past DD puppies"